
Post-Doctoral Fellow curates
exhibition in Beijing

Traces under the Surface' is an exhibition curated by Dr Zhuozhang Li (University for the Creative Arts) and Prof Ziwen Sun (Beijing Institute of Technology). It explores how urban visual media can serve as an alternative observation tool for critically understanding everyday space during the pandemic via the lens of students in Beijing. Seeing their domestic space as a starting point, this exhibition empowers the students to be the protagonist in the city and explore their personal social, spatial, and psychological connections with other people, objects, and spaces in the city. The exhibition examines the idea of a ‘virtual field-trip’ to investigate everyday lived space during the campus lockdown period. It resonates with Judith Butler’s writings on pandemic, to highlight how the pandemic illuminated the everyday object as a ‘social form’ that bears invisible traces. This exhibition is one of the first exhibitions that mark the opening of the Red-River Culture Art Museum in Beijing.

Red-River Culture Art Museum, Beijing
06 January – 06 April 2023

Curated by Ziwen Sun & Zhuozhang Li